District Goals |

We will provide all students in Kindergarten, First, and Second Grade with high quality early childhood experiences, focusing on research-based foundational skills necessary for learning to read grade level literacy, in order to increase grade level literacy.

We will provide a high-quality education for all learners and remove barriers for at-risk students, students with disabilities, and English Learners.

We will create positive school communities with an inclusive equity lens and ensure individual learning needs, social-emotional wellness, and physical wellness of students are met; as well as training staff so they understand and apply Trauma-Informed and Culturally Responsive Teaching in the learning environment.

We will prepare students for college, career, and life with the necessary skills they need to succeed in post-secondary opportunities. Family engagement will be a critical component towards student success.
Our Mission |
The Columbia Borough School District provides a learning environment where every student can excel to his/her highest potential of academic achievement. The district, in partnership with the community, will prepare each student to become an independent life-long learner and a responsible caring citizen.

Our Vision |

The Columbia Borough School District will continue to grow as a progressive and dynamic educational organization by providing quality education that secures the future of our children and community.
Our Values |
We believe:
All students possess the ability to learn.
Education is a partnership between family, school, and community.
All students and staff are treated equally, fairly, and with respect.
All students and staff are accepted and appreciated for their individuality and diversity.
All students should be given the opportunity to reach their full potential and to develop their individual talents.
All students and their parents/guardians must be responsible and active participants in the educational process.
All students and staff are entitled to a safe and secure environment.
All students and staff should be able to use technology as an integral part of their teaching, learning, and individual productivity.
All students need to be prepared for lifelong learning and a variety of careers in a diverse global society.
An appropriately state certified and dedicated staff is essential to the learning process.