Let's go on a Couch Field Trip, YES, you heard us right, let's travel to distant lands from the safety of our couch! Click this link and starting exploring, https://sites.google.com/view/cbsdlearnfromhome/art-music-movement/k-12-couch-field-trips
Reminder, Power Packs distribution will continue Today while school is closed.
Packs may be picked up from 2pm to 5pm at
221 Union Street
Do you need a fun way to practice math facts with your younger children? We have math resources on our website, just for this...copy the link and start having math fun! https://sites.google.com/view/cbsdlearnfromhome/math-materials/elementary-resources
Power Packs distribution will continue on Thursdays while school is closed. Packs may be picked up each Thursday during the Grab and Go Lunch distribution at Park Elementary Cafeteria entrance or Taylor Middle Main Entrance from 9:45am to 11am OR at 221 Union Street from 10am to Noon or 2pm to 5pm
Are you looking for something to do with your Elementary student kiddos? Look no further, we have resources on our website, from Story Time From Space to a YouTube channel created and run by children's book writers, there is something for everyone! Check out our home resources, https://sites.google.com/view/cbsdlearnfromhome/reading-materials/elementary-resources
Have you downloaded our new Columbia Borough School District APP? It is available for Android or Apple. Search for Columbia Borough School District app today. Stay current and up to date on district news, and community events.
Power Packs distribution will continue on Thursdays while school is closed.
Packs may be picked up each Thursday during the Grab &Go Lunch distribution at Park Elementary Cafeteria entrance or Taylor Middle Main Entrance from 9:45a to 11a OR at 221 Union Street from 10a to Noon or 2p to 5p
It's been a successful morning handing out Grab & Go breakfast and lunches to our students. We couldn't be more proud of our food service team, their professionalism and organization were top-notch. Again, breakfast and lunch will be available for all CBSD students tomorrow through Friday. We are offering 2 places for pick-up: Park Elementary, along Cherry Street, and Taylor Middle School's main entrance. Serving stations will be open to students from 9:45am to 11:00am.
Menu for Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Breakfast- Cereal w/ Yogurt or Chocolate Filled Croissants
Assorted Fruit
100% Fruit Juice
Low Fat Milk
Lunch- Turkey Club Wrap or PB&J
Assorted Fruit
Assorted Vegetables w/ Dip
Low Fat Milk
Attention Parents: The Lancaster Science Factory STEM program scheduled for Friday, March 27 has been cancelled. Please check our website for updates on a possible new date.
A Grab & Go breakfast and lunch will be available for every Columbia Borough School District student, Monday thru Friday beginning Monday, March 16, 2020
Locations: Park Cafeteria Entrance and Taylor Main
Time: 9:45 am to 11 am
Students are not permitted inside the building.
By direction of Governor Tom Wolf, Columbia Borough School District is CLOSED until Monday, March 30. All activities are CANCELED.
Mr. Bauer and Mrs. Bucks representing Columbia at the Reinventing Learning STEM Showcase this evening.
Are you looking for something to do with your children on Thursday night? The PTP is sponsoring a skating party at the Castle roller rink from 5:30pm-8:30pm.
You still have time to get to the Career Fair and start making connections. Career Fair ends at 8.
Students, Grades 7 to 12 - You could win Prizes at the Career Fair just by showing up, bringing a friend and engaging with potential employers...Check this out for more information, https://www.columbiabsd.org/article/197200?org=cbsd
Top 3 Quick tips to get the most out of Career Fair 2020
1. Bring many copies of your resume
2. Prioritize the employers you're most interested in
3. Introduce yourself and be prepared to give your "career pitch."
For a full detail list, check out https://www.columbiabsd.org/o/cbsd/news
Tomorrow is the Job Fair at Columbia High School Gym! 6 to 8pm, over 40 employers will be on site ready to hire for part and full-time work! Adults and students are welcomed!
Last Boot Camp Opportunity is tomorrow, Feb. 25th- 3pm and 6pm at Columbia Life Network.
Gather information to help you prepare to talk with employers and acquire tips on how to market yourself effectively on Thursday, Feb 27th at Columbia's Job Fair!
Columbia's Job Fair is coming up! Are you ready to submit at resume and begin a career? Over 40 employers will be on site have part and full-time work available for adults and students!
When: Thursday, Feb. 27th
Where: Columbia High School Gym
Time: 6 to 8pm
Job Fair Boot Camp is coming up again if you missed the first one! Mark your Calendars for Monday, Feb. 24th, 6pm, Columbia Public Library.
The Boot Camp is to help you prepare and acquire tips on how to market yourself effectively at the job fair on Thursday, Feb. 27th!