What's on the Grab & Go Menu this week? Check it out! Only serving at Park Elementary. Taylor will not be a serving location. Same time, 9:45 to 11am, everyday of the week.
almost 5 years ago, CBSD
Our teachers are available for you! You can email your child's teacher by clicking on the building the teacher resides in, on our website or APP, and then clicking "Staff". If you haven't received a call from your child's teacher, please call the district at 717-684-2283 and leave a message for the principal, they will be in touch. And remember, post a pic of the first week of learning online, and hashtag, #cbsdlearnsonline
almost 5 years ago, CBSD
Did you know you can sign up for FREE online IVY League Courses, from Princeton, Cornell, Harvard, Yale, the list goes on! WHAT?!?! YES! Click the link and check it out, https://sites.google.com/view/cbsdlearnfromhome/reading/high-school-resources
almost 5 years ago, CBSD
Iv League Learning
Governor Wolf has extended school closure until further notice. Columbia School District Continuity of Education Online Learning, which started today, will continue until the Governor reopens schools. Please email your teacher, if you missed today's start, to connect Online.
almost 5 years ago, CBSD
It's important to get our students learning online. With continuing education with enrichment and reviewing, we can all be connected to some normalcy. Take a picture of your student's first week of online learning and hashtag, #cbsdlearnsonline
almost 5 years ago, CBSD
Please take note, all Grab & Go Breakfasts and Lunches are only at Park Elementary! Serving 9:45 to 11am, Monday through Friday. New Menu!! Check it out!
almost 5 years ago, CBSD
Grab & Go Menu
What's on the Grab & Go Menu this week, check it out! Only serving at Park Elementary. Taylor will not be a serving location. Same time, 9:45 to 11am., everyday of the week.
almost 5 years ago, CBSD
Grab & Go Menu
The school districts in Lancaster and Lebanon Counties are participating in a Virtual Job Fair, tomorrow, March 30, 2020, from the comfort of your own home. See link for details, https://www.columbiabsd.org/article/214885?org=cbsd
almost 5 years ago, CBSD
Grab and Go Breakfast and Lunch will only be served at Park Elementary School, same time 9:45 to 11am, everyday, Monday thru Friday.
almost 5 years ago, CBSD
Online Distance Learning begins Monday, March 30, for all students in the Columbia Borough School District. If you did not receive information, call 717-684-2283 and reference the specific building. We want all of our students engaged during the next week.
almost 5 years ago, CBSD
Information you need to know: When is school resuming, online learning, Grab & Go breakfast and lunches and tons more. Find it here, https://www.columbiabsd.org/article/219938?org=cbsd
almost 5 years ago, CBSD
School Resuming
VIRTUAL JOB FAIR, March 30th, 2020 from the comfort of your own home. Now hiring for the 20-21 school year, see link for details, https://www.columbiabsd.org/article/214885?org=cbsd
almost 5 years ago, CBSD
Free HotSpot Access locations in Columbia, just type in the search bar "Columbia, PA" or zip code, "17512". https://hotspots.wifi.xfinity.com/
almost 5 years ago, CBSD
Elearning with free hotspot access
Kindergarten Team Meeting. Miss seeing everyone in person.
almost 5 years ago, Kristin Moritz
If you haven’t already, download Columbia Borough’s new app on Android: http://bit.ly/2TG99l5 or iPhone: https://apple.co/2IRpEH7, do so! Help us keep you well-informed, even if you don't have a child in the district. There is a community page that you can tap into.
almost 5 years ago, CBSD
Download our New App
There are multiple options of podcasts on our CBSD Learn From Home Website, please click the link and start listening! https://sites.google.com/view/cbsdlearnfromhome/literacy-materials/podcasts-for-students
almost 5 years ago, CBSD
Families: Check your email/phone messages/classroom apps. Teachers are connecting with students and planning for continuing learning opportunities. If your child (or you) hasn't been contacted by Thurs., please contact their teacher. Teacher contacts are on our staff web page.
almost 5 years ago, Elizabeth Landis--Hill Campus
Internet Essentials:Staying Connected As our country continues to manage the COVID-19 emergency, Comcast is taking steps to help connect low-income families to the Internet at home. Please click the link for more details. https://www.columbiabsd.org/article/217666?org=cbsd
almost 5 years ago, CBSD
Internet Essentials
Children may feel frightened, overwhelmed, or traumatized by what they’re seeing + hearing about #COVID19. How can you reduce their fears + help them feel safe? Check out these 4 suggestions by American Academy of Pediatrics.
almost 5 years ago, CBSD
As providers and caretakers, adults tend to view the world of children as happy and carefree. After all, kids don't have jobs to keep or bills to pay, so what could they possibly have to worry about? Plenty! Even very young children have worries and feel stress to some degree. Click on the link for suggested social and emotional learning. https://sites.google.com/view/cbsdlearnfromhome/social-emotional-learning
almost 5 years ago, CBSD