Due to the recent order of Governor Wolf limiting number of people in a building, the Columbia School Board meeting scheduled for tonight has been postponed to Thursday, July 23, 2020 at 6 pm.
Format for the meeting will be announced at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting on the District website www.columbiabsd.org
Don't forget School Board Meeting at the High School Auditorium, tomorrow, Thursday at 6pm to discuss the Re-Opening Plan for the 2020-2021 School Year. Wear a mask and hope to see you there!
We are having a special July Board Meeting this Thursday to discuss Re-Opening Plans for the 2020-2021 School Year and Personnel! Please come out Thursday, July 16, 2020 at 6pm at the Columbia High School Auditorium. Masks are required to attend.
2020-21 classroom supply lists are now available. https://www.columbiabsd.org/article/270060?org=park-elementary
Please wear a mask to our public meeting tonight, June 30th at 6 PM at Park Elementary's cafeteria for grades K-4. You are invited to attend and share any thoughts regarding the return of our students for School Year 2020-2021. Hope to see you there!
Park Elementary Parents/Caregivers, join us in the Park cafeteria this evening from 6-7 pm for a reopening plan conversation. Entrance via the Cherry Street cafeteria doors. Social distancing practices will be in place. Face masks required for entry.
We are having a public meeting on Tuesday, June 30th at 6 PM at Park Elementary's cafeteria for grades K-4. You are invited to attend and share any thoughts regarding the return of our students for School Year 2020-2021. Hope to see you there!
Hop on tonight's District Board ZOOM Meeting! The link is live at 5:50pm and the meeting starts promptly at 6pm. Find out what's happening in our beloved District and Community. https://www.columbiabsd.org/o/cbsd/page/school-board--285
Park Garden Camp Returns This July! Visit The Edible Classroom's website for camp details and registration information. https://www.theedibleclassroom.org/. Registration information is also available at the Columbia Borough office at 308 Locust Street, Columbia.
Park Families, please join us in the gymnasium on June 30 from 6-7 pm. We would like your input as we develop our CBSD re-opening plan. More details to follow.
Greetings Park Elementary parents and caregivers! To help us with our comprehensive plan for next year, please fill out this brief survey. - Ms. Landis and Mr. Rodriguez
Arabic -https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1H6LAoRT1IMo0L9MWNCQ70M49F4EY-ORpFFjYLdhyh9w/edit?ts=5ee76e78
Spanish -
English -
Only 1 hour away! We are so proud of our graduates. Please take the time to congratulate them. They deserve all the recognition in the world! Congrats Graduates!
2 Hours! https://youtu.be/1B7pQQGxtzs
3 Hours! https://youtu.be/1B7pQQGxtzs
The day is here! You can watch our graduates walk across the stage at 6pm tonight! The countdown is on, T-minus 5 hours! https://youtu.be/1B7pQQGxtzs
The countdown has begun to see our graduates walk across the stage! T-minus 7 hours! Click on the link to see our countdown! https://youtu.be/1B7pQQGxtzs
Friends and Family of our Graduates, Tune in to the 2020 Columbia High School Graduating Senior Video. Premiers June 12th at 6:00 pm on our YouTube page, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLHiNIYJBmYzqkJoNx53AGw/featured
Attention Families: If you still have a school laptop and charger, please return ASAP. Our Park lobby is open from 8am-2pm through Friday this week. Laptops/Chargers can be placed on the table in the lobby.
We are so proud of the 96 graduates that have walked the stage and received their diploma last week. A 100% turn out rate, we are truly overjoyed with their accomplishments. We have taken pictures, and videos of each graduate and are looking forward to June 12th at 6pm when the compilation video airs. We will have more information available closer to the time.
Report cards arrive this week! Just a reminder that students will not have grades/marks for Quarter 4 due to COVID-19 closure. All students earned a "Pass" or "Needs Improvement" based on amount of work completed. Please see the final comments section at the end of the report card for Q4 feedback.
Happy Summer!