Today's the Day! Chalk the Walk.
Help us wish our students well on the first day of school by decorating the sidewalks around Park Elementary with positive and encouraging messages for our students. Chalk is available outside the doors of the main entrance on 6th Street.
Park Elementary Families, Friends, and Neighbors:
Join us for Chalk the Walk on Monday, August, 23.
Come help us wish our students well on the first day of school by decorating the sidewalks around Park Elementary with positive and encouraging messages for our students. Chalk will be available outside the doors of the main entrance on 6th Street.
Park Elementary Back-to-School Night is tomorrow!
Thursday, Aug. 19. 5-7 PM.
Meet your child's teacher and learn about the upcoming school year.
Principal sessions will follow each teacher session.
Sessions will be the same, choose one!
Session 1: 5-5:45 PM
Session 2: 6-6:45 PM
Principal Sessions at 5:45 PM and 6:45 PM
*For the safety of our families, students, and staff, we request that you elect to wear a mask. There will be masks available at the main entrance.
We look forward to seeing you tomorrow!
Dear Park Families,
We are currently partnering with the YMCA to offer before and after school care for Park Elementary students. To begin operating, the Department of Human Services must approve our site. This process has experienced delays. Unfortunately, we will not be able to have our before and after school care programs operating until after the start of the school year. We do anticipate a fall opening.
Please stay tuned for more details as we will keep you informed when new information is available.
Elizabeth Landis
Park Elementary Back-to-School Night! Thursday, Aug. 19. 5-7 PM.
Come meet your child's teacher and learn more about the upcoming school year. Principal sessions will follow each teacher session. Sessions will be the same, choose one!
Session 1: 5-5:45 PM
Session 2: 6-6:45 PM
Principal Sessions at 5:45 PM and 6:45 PM
Save the Date: Park Elementary Back to School Night. August 19.
Columbia school supply drive for CBSD and OLA students.
Second grade students read the book Creepy Pair of Underwear around a "campfire" in the classroom. They then set up their tents and wrote about the story and talked about the sequence of events. Students ended the lesson learning about s'mores and had a s'more snack. Yum!
Reminder: Park Elementary has an early dismissal tomorrow at 1 p.m. Please make arrangements to pick up your child on time.
Attention Parents/Caregivers: In an effort to promote safety in our schools, the Columbia Borough School District will be conducting active intruder drills at all three buildings this week. These drills will allow our students and staff to practice safety procedures while also helping our district to become safer through the knowledge gained and areas for improvement we identify each time a drill is done. While the drill will have set simulations at each building, we will not be utilizing any simulated weapons or weapon sounds for the drill. Once the drill concludes, students and staff will return to the building from our rally (safe) points. As part of this drill, we will ask that parents and guardians not come to the building to pick-up students during this time. Prior to our active intruder drill, staff will discuss school safety with students, including the details of the armed intruder drill. If you have any questions, please contact the building.
Join us for our spring Caregiver Café today at 2 p.m. in Locust Street Park. Meet Superintendent Rizzo, greet other Park families, and enjoy refreshments. We look forward to seeing you this afternoon!
Reminder: Park Elementary Caregiver Café. Tomorrow, May 6. 2 pm. Locust Street park. Looking forward to seeing you there!
Save the Date:
Park Elementary Caregiver Cafe.
Thurs. May 6.
2 pm.
Locust St. Park.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Attention Park Parents/Caregivers: Park Elementary School and CMS Taylor Campus are open tomorrow, and students should report to school as usual!
Our CMS Hill/CHS campus is fully remote for tomorrow April 16 only.
Thank you, and have a great evening!
Morning Drop-off Expectations to Increase Student Safety
1. Make every effort to park and walk your child to our doors. This decreases the number of cars on the street, improves traffic flow, and increases student safety.
2. Students arriving to school must be dropped off in front of Park Elementary via the southbound lane (6th St.) Pull up to the curb to drop-off.
3. Students should not be dropped off and cross the street in areas where there isn’t a crossing guard. Double-parking on 6th St. is not permitted.
4. Students should enter the appropriate door for their grade level to ensure maximum social distancing:
KINDERGARTEN: Upper Cherry Street Door (Corner of 6th &
FIRST GRADE: Main Entrance (Left hand Doors)
SECOND GRADE: Main Entrance (Right hand Doors)
THIRD & FOURTH GRADE: Lower Cherry Street Door (Playground)
Reminder! There will be no school April 2nd or 5th. Enjoy your long weekend!
Indoor Dismissal This Afternoon
Due to the forecast of rain this afternoon, students will be dismissed from inside the building. Please see schedule below:
Kindergarten - Pick up at front entrance beginning at 2:35
First and Second - Pick up at front entrance beginning at 2:50
Third and Fourth - Dismissed to walk home at normal time - 2:45
Please bring an umbrella and be patient as we will dismiss students individually as parents show up. Thanks!
An important reminder that Park Elementary doors open at 7:50 a.m. Students should arrive between 7:50-8:05 a.m. Any student arriving after 8:05 a.m. will be considered tardy. Classrooms are working to earn a popsicle party this week! The classroom with the highest percentage of students arriving to school on time will earn a popsicle party on Friday!!
Please join with principals, our school counselor, and school nurse for a Return-to-Learn All Students Every Day Webinar tomorrow evening at 6 p.m.
Topics for discussion include safe arrival and dismissal procedures, attendance expectations, and social, emotional and physical health. We look forward to seeing you!
Webinar link below:
Park Elementary welcomes all students back to in-person learning on Monday, March 8. We are excited to have our school community together again. In preparation for Monday's return, please review the arrival and dismissal procedures using the links below.