Park students reading with Jager, a reading therapy dog.
We are so grateful for all that Mr. Houghton provides for the students at Park! We've enjoyed spotlighting him during National School Counseling Week. Thank you for all you do!
This week we celebrate you, Mr. Houghton!
Happy School Counselors Week, Mr. Houghton! Here are two letters that Mr. Houghton received on Tuesday!
This week is National School Counselors week. We would like to thank Mr. Houghton for all he does for our students each and every day. We will be featuring photos of letters written by our students to Mr. Houghton, Watch for these photos tomorrow!
This is just a friendly reminder that we have an early dismissal tomorrow, Wednesday, February 9 at 11:30am.
Kindergarteners celebrated the 100th day of school today...and some of them aged overnight!
Attention Parents/Caregivers of Car Riders: Just a few reminders. Please pull up to the farthest cones and signs, so we can allow as many students out in front of the building as possible. Please have your children exit the car on building side, so they are not walking in the street. Please stay in your car, and staff members will assist your child getting into the building. We are going to start getting students out of cars at 8:10am, and the doors will open at 8:20am. We have teachers monitoring students out front while they are waiting for the doors to open. Our goal is to get everyone out of cars and into the building by 8:30. Students must be in the building by 8:30am, or they are considered tardy. Thank you for your help to make the car rider line go safely and smoothly each day!
Today, Mrs. Huynh's 2nd grade class learned all about the Lunar New Year. What a great learning experience!
Attention Park Families: Thank you to everyone that attended our winter Wonderland event last evening. Please keep an eye out for an album of pictures that will be posted to our Facebook page in the coming days.
Attention Parents/Caregivers: Here are a few friendly reminders. First, tomorrow (Wednesday) is an early dismissal day at 11:30am. Schools are closed on Monday, January 17 and Tuesday, January 18 for MLK Day and a professional development day. Finally, please remind students that they need to wear their masks correctly at school for the safety of all of our students and staff. Have a great day!
Relax with a good book over break!
It's been a week full of learning at Park!
Attention Parents/Caregivers: We kindly request that you keep your pets at home when coming to pick up your children at dismissal. Many children are fearful of large animals, so it would be appreciated. Have a great weekend!
Attention Park Parents/Caregivers: This is just a friendly reminder that we have an early dismissal tomorrow, Wednesday, December 8 at 11:30am. Thank you and have a great day!
Attention Park Parents/Guardians: Please continue to contact your child's school nurse if your child or any household member is ill and has received a Covid-19 test. Test results for students can be emailed or sent to the school when they are completed. We want to avoid any unlawful absences for your child during this time. To contact Mrs. Haberstroh, our school nurse, please call 717-681-2610 or
Join the CBSD Music Department for their Winter Concert on Tuesday, December 14, 2021 at 6pm in the Columbia High School/Middle School Auditorium. The concert will feature the Taylor MS Band, CMS 7/8 Band and Choir, and CHS Symphonic Band and Concert Choir.
Attention Park Parents/Caregivers: This is just a friendly reminder that Picture Retake day is tomorrow. Also, the order forms for the Dominos/Andy fundraisers are also due tomorrow. Thank you, and have a great evening!
Learning is happening in fun ways at Park Elementary!
Mark your calendars to join the Columbia High School Theatre Department for a zany night of fairy tales gone wild! Clever narrators turn the stories of the Brothers Grimm on their heads in this romp through a mashup of all our favorite classics like Snow White, Cinderella, and Hansel and Gretel to mention only a few! A wild, free-form comedy with kung fu elves, audience participation and madcap fun. “The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon” promises to be a hilarious evening of entertainment for the whole family.
Performances will be held in the Columbia High School Auditorium:
Friday 11/19 @ 7:00pm
Saturday 11/20 @ 2:00pm & 7:00pm