"Support from family has been essential in building that confidence but, Madison said, “Attollo has shown me what I can really do.”
That Lancaster-based college access/leadership program has pushed her beyond her comfort zone, she said, improving her public-speaking skills, reinforcing her positive outlook, and helping her to make new friends.
“They’re like my family.’’
Through Attollo, which means “rise up’’ in Latin, she and student partners in a startup business have designed three working prototypes of a pedal-triggered page turner for musicians. Penn Manor and Columbia school districts are using the product."
Read Lancaster Online's article here...https://lancasteronline.com/news/schools/columbia-high-school-senior-madison-simpson-takes-on-the-world/article_33a56e18-6b31-11e9-b45a-af1b15e6f8e5.html?fbclid=IwAR1VUtacIVGN2W8-ibrAidympGxX_V8032S6i6qUOCdoDUXWoFIehLUL6lI
To see Madison and our other amazing and dedicated Seniors, come out to #experiencemagic19 http://bit.ly/attollomagic